100% verified history
AUTOTRACER is the Czech number one in verifying and securing vehicles. We help motorists buy vehicles safely and make sure those vehicles are checked and secured. We provide our services to end customers and business partners alike, including used-car dealers, importers, and insurance companies. Our principal services include on-line verification of vehicle history using its VIN in the AUTOTRACER system. This contains more than 1 billion vehicle records, making it the biggest database of its kind in Central Europe.

AUTOTRACER online verification of history
We verify the mileage, vehicle theft, small-ads records, damage history, service history, and taxi use for each and every vehicle. You can find everything you need with ease in just 4 steps.

AUTOTRACER Smart Code is a modern and fast way of verifying fundamental information about the history of a vehicle at a used car dealer. Using the Smart Code (QR code) inside the window of the vehicle on offer, you can pull up selected information about the history of the vehicle using a smart phone, free-of-charge.

Verifying origin abroad
PROVIN is a service used to verify the origin of a vehicle abroad. The main information to emerge from the verification process is whether the vehicle does actually come from the country declared by the dealer, whether it was stolen abroad, or whether there are other reasons that would prevent the safe and legal running of the vehicle.

Checking VIN and VINTEST identifiers
VINTEST involves a physical inspection of a vehicle and a check of all its identifiers. During the inspection, the inspector checks whether all the identifiers are original, or have been unlawfully tampered with to cover up the identity or origin of the vehicle. Visible identifiers are checked during the inspection, as are hidden identifiers that criminals are often unaware of. This information and, above all, the originality of their execution are both checked.

Everything for vehicle safety

Sand-blasting glass is the simplest way of securing a car against theft. Sand-blasted glass is a major obstacle to thieves when changing the identity of a vehicle. A car with a code sand-blasted on the window is hard for thieves to sell, meaning they generally avoid such vehicles. Etching glass is a simple way of protecting your vehicle from theft, and you can do it all yourself, without having to take the car into service. Marked glass is a major obstacle to thieves when changing the identity of a vehicle. A car with a code marked on the window is hard for thieves to sell, meaning they generally avoid such vehicles.
AUTOTRACER SAT is a modern satellite security system for vehicles. A small smart unit carries out the most important of tasks in the car - if the occupants are in trouble, they can get assistance fast. Assistance is called in automatically in the case of a major impact. If stolen, the vehicle is traced and secured by staff at the central security desk.
UNIQA SafeLine is a revolutionary telematic assistance system to accompany vehicle insurance jointly developed by the UNIQA insurance company and AUTOTRACER. A telematic unit installed in the vehicle is able to actively deal with a range of situations that a motorist might face (assistance following accident or theft). What is more, the system knows how to calculate the size of the premium according to the mileage and the type of roads used.
ALLIANZ BonusDrive is a smart telematic assistance system to accompany vehicle insurance jointly developed by the ALLIANZ insurance company and AUTOTRACER. A small BonusDrive – SuperEasy unit is installed in the car, consisting of a GPS locator, a GSM module, an impact sensor, and a control processor. The unit then takes care of all the functions of the BonusDrive system (assistance in the case of accident or theft, driving statistics and journey log).

Your car in your mobile with Carolina
The Carolina mobile application is here to take care of your fleet, checking its history, keeping records of costs and consumption, and storing important documents. It values a vehicle when buying or selling and offers favourable terms on insurance and financing. It protects against fines and provides advice on the road. Users can upload information about the vehicle, service records, keep an eye on costs, and much more. On top of all that, you can value your vehicle free-of-charge.
Contact usTake advantage of our experience of more than 30 years
We are fully at your disposal to deal with your needs.

Try out a AUTOTRACER service today