We have a unique solution for you when it comes to selling insurance. Our tool will help you increase your profitability simply and effectively using the Omnetic system. You won’t need any other tools.
With our system, you will have offers from all the insurance companies on the market at hand, right away. Meaning there is no longer any need for you to get in touch with individual insurance companies and gather offers. Our solution means that our customer has the opportunity to decide on the right insurance for their car at great speed, and you earn an attractive commission for the insurance arranged. 24/7 support is a matter of course.
The key benefits of insurance through the Omnetic system
Transparent comparison
We always compare offers from all insurance companies so that we can offer you the very best insurance.
Simplicity and speed
No need to write anything out, no need for paperwork - just click. The uploaded data are checked, after which it is just a short wait before the offers of insurance come in. One click, therefore, brings you an offer of insurance from the entire market.
Best-price guarantee
Our cooperation with prominent partners means that we can get insurance at an attractive price, and an attractive rate of commission.
Overview of profitability
You will see right away how much you have earned, or how much you could earn if you or your team increased insurance penetration on vehicles sold.
Insurance using the Omnetic system - how to get started?
It’s all very simple.
Get in touch with us
Contact us using the form and we will make sure an insurance specialist gets in touch with you as soon as possible.
Choose your preferred type of cooperation
It is entirely up to you whether you choose the option of passing on a contact alone or of being an actual insurance dealer. Both types of cooperation are well -paid. If you decide to go with the insurance dealer option, we will deal with all the admin, meaning you can begin earning an attractive commission.
We will train your sales team and provide access to insurance in line with your role and authorisation in the Omnetic system.
Arranging policies
At this point you can begin arranging insurance!
Start earning money on vehicle insurance right away